Page not found (404)

No ItemCategory matches the given query.
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Raised by: project.multilingual_urls.item_category

Using the URLconf defined in box.core.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. ^static/(?P<path>.*)$
  2. ^media/(?P<path>.*)$
  3. sitemap.xml/ [name='sitemap']
  4. robots.txt/ [name='robots']
  5. i18n/
  6. set_lang/<new_lang>/ [name='set_lang']
  7. tinymce/
  8. api-auth/
  9. _nested_admin/
  10. filebrowser/
  11. payment/installments/ [name='payment_installments']
  12. payment/installments/callback/ [name='payment_callback']
  13. payment/installments/redirect/ [name='payment_redirect']
  14. ^send-test-email [name='des-test-email']
  15. api/currencies/ [name='currencies']
  16. api/create_currencies/ [name='create_currencies']
  17. contents/
  18. contents/<code>/
  19. api/
  20. api/
  21. sw_logout/ [name='sw_logout']
  22. api/
  23. np/<action>/<content>/<type>/ [name='np']
  24. api/
  25. da/regions_list/ [name='regions_list']
  26. da/areas_list/ [name='areas_list']
  27. da/warehouses_list/ [name='warehouses_list']
  28. api/
  29. google.xml/
  30. prom.csv/
  31. api/
  32. sw_order/liqpay_callback/ [name='liqpay_callback']
  33. api/
  34. delete_order/<pk>/ [name='delete_order']
  35. update_profile/ [name='update_profile']
  36. get_orders/ [name='get_orders']
  37. api/
  38. liqpay/pay_callback/ [name='pay_callback']
  39. test_part/ [name='test_part']
  40. api/
  41. set_currency/<currency>/ [name='set_currency']
  42. google_authorization/ [name='google_authorization']
  43. google_callback/ [name='google_callback']
  44. en/ admin/
  45. en/ accounts/
  46. en/ rosetta/
  47. en/ test_400/
  48. en/ test_403/
  49. en/ test_404/
  50. en/ test_500/
  51. en/ [name='index']
  52. en/ about/ [name='about']
  53. en/ item_category/<slug>/ [name='item_category']

The current path, en/item_category/amortizatori/, matched the last one.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.